Real Analysis


These real analysis resources were created while I was TAing MATH 3020U at Ontario Tech University in the Fall 2024 term. They should still be applicable to other students outside of Ontario Tech University who are studying an introductory course in real analysis, specifically aimed at math majors. These materials follow Introduction to Analysis by William R. Wade, 4e. Those not using Wade will still find these resources helpful.

Problem Sets

  1. Real Number Axioms
  2. Metrics, Absolute Value and Topology of R
  3. Infima and Suprema
  4. Mathematical Induction and N
  5. Sequences in R
  6. Cauchy, Cluster Points and Limits Infimum/Supremum
  7. Limit Theorems, Monotone and Bolzano-Weierstrass

Tutorial Recordings

Note: The quality of the recordings may not be ideal, but should be sufficient for those who have class conflicts with our tutorial timeslot.

  1. Real Number Axioms
  2. Metrics, Absolute Value and Topology of R
  3. Infima and Suprema
  4. Mathematical Induction and N
  5. Sequences in R
  6. Cauchy, Cluster Points and Limits Infimum/Supremum
  7. Limit Theorems, Monotone and Bolzano-Weierstrass

Topic Notes

These notes were originally created for a midterm review, but were continued for topics beyond the midterm. In the notes, definitions will be denoted in red, examples in green, and theorems in blue. Some theorems will be proven, and some proofs will be omitted; those omitted proofs will be left to the reader as an exercise.

  1. Real Number Axioms
  2. Metrics, Absolute Value and Topology of R
  3. Infima and Suprema
  4. Mathematical Induction and N
  5. Sequences in R
  6. Cauchy, Cluster Points and Limits Infimum/Supremum
  7. Limit Theorems, Monotone and Bolzano-Weierstrass