Benjamin D. Fedoruk

Phone: 365-363-7000

Email: benjamin (dot) fedoruk (at) ontariotechu (dot) ca

LinkedIn: /in/benjaminfedoruk

Academic TikTok Account: @bfedoruk

About Me

I am interested in noticing patterns in everyday life. I find pure mathematics to be highly pattern-oriented, and strongly believe that applying a similar problem-solving approach and abstract mindset will solve real-world problems. I am highly interested in algebra, notably group, Galois, and representation theory, and algebraic number theory.

Curriculum Vitae

Please download my curriculum vitae.

My Mentor

Much of my life path and decisions have been guided by my late mentor, Jyrki Koivisto.


By popular demand, I've added a list of books that I've enjoyed here to my site. For now, they are all mathematics textbooks.


If you are a student looking for resources, please click the link for your course below:

Please note that all resources provided herein are created by and are the sole intellectual property of Benjamin D. Fedoruk. Resources are intended for educational purposes and should not be reproduced for commercial purposes or otherwise without agreement by the author. Any external resources will be cited appropriately.

Office Hours

My discrete mathematics office hours for Fall 2024 will be Fridays 11:15-12:15 @ UA 3060. Real analysis students can drop into these office hours or may email me directly.

Axioms of Federico Ardila

I find these axioms of Prof. Federico Ardila to be incredibly useful and accurate in my pedagogy:

  1. Mathematical potential is equally present in different groups, irrespective of geographic, demographic and economic boundaries.
  2. Everyone can have joyful, meaningful and empowering mathematical experiences.
  3. Mathematics is a powerful, malleable tool that can be shaped and used differently by various communities to serve their needs.
  4. Every student deserves to be treated with dignity and respect.

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